Tuesday, January 15, 2013

15 January 2013

Movie releases

The Book of Eli, released 15 January 2010


James Nesbitt b. 1965 (Bofur in The Hobbit)  
Robert Silverberg b. 1935
(won 1972 Nebula for A Time of Changes)

In the year 2000!

Prediction:  Freud will be classed as a pre-scientific, intuitive pioneer and psychoanalysis will be replaced by a growing, changing "operational psychology" based on measurement and prediction.

Predictor: Robert A. Heinlein in 1950

Accuracy: Not so much. Analysts still exist, most of them listen first and prescribe drugs second, Freud is not considered quaint. Heinlein didn't hate the field of psychology quite to the extent his fellow SF author L. Ron Hubbard did, but he did tend to sneer at it.

Then again, when I read Heinlein, I think his idea that really smart people in THE FUTURE would memorize the logarithmic tables to become math whizzes is sneer-worthy as well, so it all evens out in the end.

Next week, I promise to put up a Heinlein prediction that is right on the money.  I mock him, partly for his politics, partly for his math and science cluelessness, partly because his writing style isn't my cup of tea, but he did spot some trends remarkably accurately.

Looking one day... INTO THE FUTURE!  John Elfreth Watkins returns to tell us of the wonderfully fit and energetic people who live  ... in the year 2000!

Join me then... IN THE FUTURE!

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