Friday, January 11, 2013

11 January 2013

In the Year 2000!

Prediction: The personal flying machine will be a must-have accessory for the fashionable people.

Predictor: Hildebrand's German Chocolates in 1900. These antique postcards will be alternating with the French postcards for the first few months of the year. Not to give away too many secrets, but the German cards are drawn in a more realistic style and the French make a lot of assumptions that people in the future are going to be... well... incredible dicks, as you will see next week.

Accuracy: Okay, this is several years before the Wright Brothers, so the illustrator is forgiven for massively underestimating how much wing and how much energy it would take to get people aloft. But given how close this concept is to flying cars, it would be against the blog policy to make any further comment on how close this is to reality.

Looking one day... INTO THE FUTURE! An exact date for a famous invention!

"Professor?" pipes up a Hypothetical Question Asker. "Could you give us slightly more information that will be understood by all your readers?"

I'm afraid I can't do that... Dave.

To learn all the fascinating details, join me then... IN THE FUTURE!

1 comment:

  1. Even if the German chocolate makers were off in their predictions on "personal flying machines," the postcard is delightful, beautiful in that way that only fin du siecle pop art could be.


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