Saturday, November 9, 2013

9 November 2013

Robert Duncan McNeil b. 1964 (Star Trek: Voyager)
Lou Ferrigno b. 1951 (The Incredible Hulk)
Carl Sagan b.1934 died 20 December 1996 (author, Contact)
Severn Darden b. 1929 died 27 May 1995 (Battle for the Planet of the Apes, Conquest of the Planet of the Apes)

A short list today and any of the first three people on the list could be in the Picture Slot, but I went with Dr Billions and Billions as a sentimental gesture. I included Severn Darden because I had the Second City comedy album back in the 1960s.

Many happy returns of the day to Mr McNeil and Mr. Ferrigno. 
Predictor: William H.H. Miller, former Attorney General of the United States, predicting the future 100 years into the future in honor of the 1893 Columbian Exhibition in Chicago.

Prediction: The divorce laws will become more harmonious.

Reality: I'm cutting his prediction down to the bare bones here. He takes five paragraphs to say that some states refuse to recognize divorces that take place in other states and that has to change. Not that I have any first hand experience, but I believe that change is the case nowadays, what with the now old-fashioned idea of going to Nevada for a quickee divorce.

Still, five paragraphs and not a single discussion of any other legal change in a century. I gotta ask, Mr Miller... is everything okay between you and the missus?

Looking one day ahead... INTO THE FUTURE!

Sunday is Martian Chronicles day, and going through the book chapter by chapter, we get two brief tales from late 2002 and early 2003.

Join us then... IN THE FUTURE!


  1. his wife probably disapproves of his facial hair choices.

    1. Tee hee! His facial hair choice is not that odd by today's standards, though I detect some unsightly neck scruffiness.

      In the next few weeks and months, you and all the faithful readers will be treated to some 19th Century tonsorial fashion that are beyond my powers of description.

  2. "He takes five paragraphs to say that some states refuse to recognize divorces that take place in other states and that has to change."

    "Full faith and credit" appears to have been a difficult concept 100 years ago, as well. Though it would make some sort of sense--recall Master Heywood Allen's old routine about getting divorced from Louise Lasser: "The Bible says Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery, but New York State says you have to."


Traveler! Have you news... FROM THE FUTURE?