Sunday, August 11, 2013

11 August 2013

Chris Hemsworth b. 1983 (Thor, Marvel's Avengers, Cabin in the Woods)
Embetz Davidtz b. 1965 (The Amazing Spider-Man, Army of Darkness)
Ian McDiarmid b. 1944 (Star Wars)
Charles Cooper b. 1926 (Star Trek V, Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Regular readers know that the Picture Slot usually goes to the Pretty Girl and Ms. Davidtz certainly qualifies, but there are only a few genre films in her list of credits, while Hemsworth and McDiarmid are best known for being Thor and Palapatine, respectively. Between them, Chris gets the nod because it's his 30th birthday and of the two, he's much prettier.

Many happy returns of the day to all.

Prediction: On 11 August 1984, The first laboratory on the moon is destroyed, taking the lives of Kurt Schaeffer, Maurice Feinstein, Thomas Dooley, Hazel Hayakawa, G. Washington Slappey and Sam Houston Adams.

Predictor: Robert A. Heinlein in The Black Pits of Luna, published 1948

Reality: Some readers might be surprised to see Sensible Bob's picture next to this incorrect prediction about how quickly we would colonize the moon, but I did want to give him some credit for the list of names of the fictional lives lost. For all of his right wing politics, he intentionally makes a very inclusive list, both by gender and ethnicity, for his roll call of brave scientists who lost their lives. (The story is not about the accident. Their names are on a plaque commemorating the disaster.)

Reading from left to right, the brave men and women who lost their lives on 29 January 1986 when the space shuttle Challenger exploded are:

Ellison Onizuka
Michael J. Smith
Christa McAuliffe
Dick Scobee
Greg Jarvis
Ron McNair
Judith Resnik


  1. I suspect Old Bob saw "G. Washington Slappey" as the African-American member of the team.

    But dude, even if Embeth has a dearth of genre credits, she was in ARMY OF DARKNESS. As BOTH a breather and a zombie! Now that's some fine actin'.

    Besides, Hemsworth is a doofus.

    1. ZRM: I agree that Slappey is likely meant to be black.

      I found some pictures of Davidtz online, but I didn't think any of them did her justice. Maybe next year.

    2. wow. You're kind of right. It's remarkable. With those to choose from, you're right; Hemsworth is prettier.


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