Tuesday, July 9, 2013

9 July 2013

Georgie Henley b. 1995 (Narnia)
Linda Park b. 1978 (Enterprise)
Jimmy Smits b. 1955 (Star Wars)

Many happy returns to today's birthday boys and girls.

Movies released 
Predators released, 2010
Despicable Me released, 2010

Prediction: 2007: The moon is colonized when Jacob Hovestraydt founds Hovestraydt City

Predictor: Patchwork Girl by Larry Niven, published 1986

Reality: We all know the first moon colony will be called Gingrichistan.

Here's a fun fact. Heinlein reprints, Niven novels and the science fiction of Newt Gingrich are all published by Baen Books.

Here's a second fun fact. References to Newt Gingrich's alternate history book have been scrubbed from the Baen website.

Looking one day ahead... INTO THE FUTURE!

John Elfreth Watkins predicts the future of medicine... in the year 2000!
Join us then... IN THE FUTURE!


  1. We all know the first moon colony will be called Gingrichistan.


  2. No, the first moon colony will be called "Moon Base Callista."

  3. Better than Moon Base Alpha.

    Sadly, I have to correct a misapprehension in this post:

    "Newt Gingrich's alternate history book"

    This would suggest there was only one (guessing you're thinking of 1945). But, nay, N. Leroy continues "writing" and collaborating (word chosen well) on alternative histories to this day, or at least last year.

    There is, iirc, a series of Gingrich collaborations in which he re-fights the Civil War, this time winning for the White side. Comparisons to Brad Whitaker in The Living Daylights may be apt.


Traveler! Have you news... FROM THE FUTURE?