Tuesday, June 25, 2013

25 June 2013

Ray Stevenson b. 1964 (Thor, Punisher: War Zone, The Book of Eli)
Ricky Gervais b. 1961 (Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian)
George Orwell b. 1903 died 1/21/1950

No disrespect to the living, but the two actors whose birthdays are celebrated today aren't known primarily for their genre work and Orwell is a name that looks like it will last a very long time.

There is also the First Rule of Blogging, a.k.a You Aren't The Boss of Me! Along side Joseph Conrad and Patrick O'Brian, old Eric Blair is one of my very favorite writers of the 20th Century in any genre.

Movies released
Rollerball released, 1975

Prediction: In 2018, rollerball star Jonathan E. is pressured to retire from the game.

Predictor: Rollerball, released 25 June 1975

Reality: The idea of the movie was that by 2018, corporations would rule the world and athletic competitions would become more violent.

So the prediction gets partial credit.

The sport of rollerball was supposed to be de-humanizing and the players would not individually rise above the popularity of the game itself.

That's crazy talk. Athletes will always humanize the activity in which they take part.

Looking one day ahead... INTO THE FUTURE!

Is tomorrow Wednesday already? That means... John Elfreth Watkins!  Yay!

He's talking about vegetables again. Hmm, not so yay?

Join us then... IN THE FUTURE!


  1. Athletes will always humanize the activity in which they take part

    yeah. Just remember the grace and humanity that the Hansen Brothers brought to hockey.

  2. but the two actors whose birthdays are celebrated today aren't known primarily for their genre work

    Plus, and I know you don't want to get into judgementalism on the day's birthdays, but their genre work kind of sucked.


Traveler! Have you news... FROM THE FUTURE?