Thursday, February 14, 2013

14 February 2013

Simon Pegg b. 1970
Anton Lesser b. 1952
Andrew Robinson b. 1942

Happy birthdays to all mentioned. Mr. Pegg (right, with cricket bat) gets the photo because Shaun of the Dead is my favorite piece of zombie based entertainment of all time.

I haven't seen the comedy Warm Bodies yet. That could be cute, but it has a high hurdle to vault to replace Shaun at the top of my list.

Andrew Robinson played Garak on Deep Space Nine, so this post gets a Star Trek label.

Movies released
Daredevil released 2003

By no means the best comic book movie, but it was when Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner made the decision to become a couple, so it has some nice Valentine's Day undertones. (Affleck and Garner were both in Pearl Harbor, but he was dating Jennifer Lopez then. Nice trade-up for Affleck in my opinion.)

In the Year 2000!

Prediction: Men will be living on the moon.

Predictor: Arthur C. Clarke on the 1964 BBC-TV show Horizon

Reality: Not so much. I know that as a nerd I'm supposed to be all "Outer space, yay!", but as I have said before and will say again.

Any place where you have to bring your own water and breathable air is actively trying to kill you.

Looking ahead one day... INTO THE FUTURE! French postcards. You know what I'm talking about by now. Click on the link if unclear on the concept.

Join me then... IN THE FUTURE!

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