Thursday, July 11, 2013
11 July 2013
Rachael Taylor b. 1984 (Transformers, The Darkest Hour)
Greg Mottola b. 1964 (director, Paul)
Sela Ward b. 1956 (The Day After Tomorrow)
Stephen Lang b. 1952 (Avatar)
No one on the list is best known for their work in genre films and they all have many credits. Ms. Taylor easily qualifies for the Pretty Girl = Picture Slot criterion, but I chose Ms. Ward who is much closer to my age to mellow out the Dirty Old Man vibe a little.
Many happy returns to all our birthday boys and girls.
Movies released
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix released, 2007
Journey to the Center of the Earth released, 2008
Prediction: The mother of all thought-cities, the World Encyclopedia Establishment, is founded in 2012, during the era of the Air Dictatorship 2010-2030.
Predictor: H.G. Wells, Shape of Things to Come
Reality: A city whose main trade is the gathering and storing of knowledge is an interesting idea. In reality, it's kinda sorta what college towns are, but if I were to describe anything that actually existed in 2012 as a "thought-city", it would probably be the Internet.
Wells never said it had to be a deep thought-city exactly. A dirty thought-city should also qualify.
Looking one day ahead... INTO THE FUTURE!
It's German chocolate postcard time again. I'm getting hungry just thinking about it.
Join us then... IN THE FUTURE!
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