Sunday, January 6, 2013
6 January 2013
Aron Eisenberg b. 1969
Andrea Thompson b. 1960
Aron is best known as Nog on Deep Space Nine. His character was often cheerful, which must have been some effort, given how uncomfortable the make-up and prosthetics must have been.
I could have put up a picture of Andrea Thompson. Maybe next year. When she left acting and got that job on CNN, she didn't do herself any favors with her attitude.
1997: Spaceship E-89 is cruising the thirteenth planet of Star System 51
From Death Ship, a Twilight Zone episode written by Richard Matheson, first aired 7 February 1963.
Reality: We haven't sent a manned mission to anywhere but the moon yet, and interstellar travel would take a really long time. At the top speeds our spacecraft now travel, it would take over 3,000 years to travel one light year and the nearest other star is about 4 to 5 light years away.
(Note: Yes, that's Jack Klugman from The Odd Couple and Ross Martin from The Wild Wild West. The third guy is Fred Beir. His face didn't ring a bell for me, either. He bounced around as a guest star on TV shows for decades. That takes perseverance.)
Looking ahead one day... INTO THE FUTURE!
It is as though I can hear the longing in my readers, a ghostly wail somehow wafting through the cables of the Internet.
Flying cars, professor... when will you give us flying cars?
Calm your spirits, travelers. Your desires will be fulfilled and very soon.
Join me then... IN THE FUTURE!
This is getting to be a daily habit swinging by here. I can hardly wait to see what happens on my birthday!